Did you know that different countries have different dining etiquettes? For example, if you eat with your hands while dining in Indonesia, it's perfectly normal. However, you cannot practice this while traveling to Chile.
When traveling to other countries, it is important to be aware of these dining etiquettes in order to make our holidays safer and enjoyable. What we think is usual in our own countries may not be the same there. Are you curious about how other countries's dining etiquettes? Let's explore it!
Travelling To Middle East: Never Eat With Your Left Hand

Are you planning a trip to one of the Middle Eastern country? Avoid using your left hand to eat while you're there. The left hand is used for various tasks in the Middle East, including washing, bathing, and cleaning after yourself. So, it is considered rude and unhygienic to them if you take or consume food with your left hand.
Travelling To Thailand: Avoid Using Forks

Thailand is well known as one of the culinary paradises in Asia because it has a variety of delicious foods. You will be tempted with a wide range of food options that are almost always available. However, there is one thing you should know before traveling to Thailand: it is considered rude to put a fork into your mouth. They believe that forks should only be used to 'assist' food into a spoon. Therefore, even when eating noodles, you must use a spoon to place the food in your mouth.
Travelling To Japan: Slurping As A Sign That You Enjoyed The Food

Making noise when eating is usually perceived as a rude and distasteful habit. When traveling to Japan, things are different. Japanese believe that slurping claims to boost the taste of the food and they find that slurping noodles and soups actually is a sign that you enjoyed the food.
Traveling to Italy: Don't Eat Seafood With Cheese

Italians are known for their love of food, and the country is also famous for producing cheeses like mozzarella and parmesan. However, never try to mix cheese and seafood while traveling to Italy. The soft texture of the seafood and the very powerful cheese flavor can generally dominate the taste of the seafood, but there is no obvious cultural reason why it is forbidden. That's why they call it a 'culinary disaster'. Also, if you are not offered it, never ask for extra cheese when eating pizza.
Traveling to South Korea: The Eldest Has To Eat First

It is common to see scenes of people eating together in Korean dramas. Take a look at their eating patterns; they consistently give the elderly, particularly men, priority. In the end, the tradition forced younger people to wait until the older ones were ready to begin eating. This dining etiquette shows as a symbol or indication of the highest respect for elders.
Traveling to UK: The Tradition Of Afternoon Tea

The UK is one of the largest tea-drinking countries in the world along with Turkey, Ireland and China. Early in the 17th century, the East India Company brought tea to England and served it to King Charles II. The British are known for their tea-related habits and traditions, including afternoon tea. For example, when stirring tea, you’ve to be very careful to make sure the spoon doesn't touch the sides of the cup. Also, after stirring, spoons shouldn't be kept in the cup; instead, they should be set on a plate.