Best Ways To Style Your Office Pantry For Hari Raya



A festive season celebrated by our Muslim friends all over the world, Hari Raya represents a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. As part of your office corporate culture, it is common for the organization to celebrate with your employees and what is better than to incorporate the spirit and feel of Hari Raya into your office pantry!


There are many things that you can do that are easy and fuss free, but will make a world of a difference. Let us help you out.




Incorporate Traditional Elements

We know many of you have large offices, but don't let that put you off from decorating the office with Hari Raya decorations. We recommend choosing your main pantry as your designated area and keep your festivities within that. One of the best ways to create a festive atmosphere in your office pantry for Hari Raya is to incorporate traditional elements into your decor. This could include items such as bunga rampai (a fragrant potpourri made from flowers and herbs), ketupat (a Malay rice cake wrapped in coconut leaves), and ang pow packets (red envelopes filled with money that are typically given as gifts during Hari Raya).



Bunga Rampai is a beautiful and fragrant decoration that is often used during Hari Raya. It’s made by combining a variety of flowers, herbs, and spices and is typically placed in a small bowl or basket. You can make your own bunga rampai by combining ingredients such as pandan leaves, jasmine flowers, and cloves.




Ketupat is another traditional decoration that is often used during Hari Raya. It’s a Malay rice cake that is wrapped in coconut leaves and boiled. You can create your own ketupat by using banana leaves instead of coconut leaves, and filling them with rice.




Image source: Calligraphy by Mercia


Ang pow packets are a fun and festive way to add some color to your office pantry. You can find them in a variety of colors and designs, and they make great decorations when placed in a bowl or hung on a string. With help of your Muslim colleagues,  use colors like green, purple and gold in the decorations to help with the festive vibes, creating a very cozy festive atmosphere in the office.






Image source: The Wonderment Collective


Serve traditional Hari Raya snacks! Stock your pantry with traditional Hari Raya snacks, such as kuih tart, kuih bangkit, and dodol. You can also serve savoury snacks like beef rendang or chicken curry. This will allow your employees to enjoy the traditional Hari Raya food and festivities, even while at work.


We love to support our local community in Singapore and these are some of our partner bakes and cookies that we would recommend for your pantry. Apart from that, finding a cater for these raya foods might be difficult, but do get in touch with us and we'll recommend you to the best ones. Bento sets, catered buffets or even live stations, we've got you covered.





Image source: Alibaba


The festivities are never complete without drinks. Offer Hari Raya drinks like sirap bandung, air mata kucing, and teh tarik that are popular during this festive period, apart from the usual pantry offerings of tea and coffee. We have these traditional drinks in a can form so you can have a variety of options to share amongst your colleagues. They are also convenient for your staff and taste absolutely yummy.




Hari Raya Music


How about some music to go along with that? Make the festive season a party by playing popular Hari Raya music in your office pantry. To make the occasion more inclusive, you can encourage your staff to share their favourite Hari Raya song to create a playlist that everyone can enjoy. Otherwise, we are also happy to share our playlist with you here for your use!




Dress Up For a Party


Organize a lunch or a teatime event within the office where colleagues can come in traditional Hari Raya clothing, such as baju kurung or baju melayu. It's a great way to promote not only diversity within the office, but also better understanding and respect for different cultures. To add on to that, perhaps a potluck could be a fantastic idea where employees can bring traditional Hari Raya dishes to share with their colleagues. This will allow your employees to bond and celebrate the festive season together.



A small effort can go a long way and these are some of the best ways to style your office for Hari Raya!  Contact our snack concierge,  for more pantry decorating ideas.