8 Ways To Organise Your Pantry In Office To Boost Staff Morale

Looking for some snacks and ways to organise your office pantry? Singaporean employees typically work for at least 8 hours in the office, 5 days a week. It's no surprise that organisations would need to inject some fun into the corporation to boost staff's morale.

An office pantry is a place for team celebrations, collaborations and a place to impress clients. Studies have also shown that working professionals go for their coffee or snack run once a day, while many shared that having free snacks and beverages in the office made them feel valued and appreciated. Here are 8 ways to boost your staff morale through the pantry in office.




Starting your office pantry might sound daunting and challenging. As intimidating as it sounds, one of the best ways to start is by categorising the pantry areas with the types of snacks, food or beverages you have in mind. Distinguishing the coffee and tea, halal snacks, vegan snacks or even energy boosting areas can be the perfect start before you decide to go on your office pantry shopping spree.

From vegan snacks, halal snacks to healthy snacks, Tasty Snack have snacks perfect for any dietary requirement. With a wide range of snacks available, we'll help make your employees feel included! No one will ever feel left out.




Finding one snack that can accommodate all your employees' dietary requirements is challenging. Instead, provide a variety of snacks that caters to all your employees and their dietary requirements. Remember to label and segregate them in different containers to prevent any confusion.

Growing exponentially towards becoming Asia’s first ever online snack marketplace with over 2,000 varieties. Tasty Snack has supplied hundreds and thousands of snacks and beverages to offices for their office pantry. Contact our snack concierge to give your office pantry a facelift!




Now that we have included snacks for all of your employees, we're moving on to make your pantry look presentable. Keeping the area organised, clean, well-stocked is important and having it designed to fit your company's branding will help it stand out more.

We are also expert curators in designer pantry and events, ensuring that your pantry and booths are always tastefully done. Get your pantry overhaul done with Tasty Snack.




Supply cutleries, utensils, mugs and bowls for your employees to use. You can consider using branded mugs and bowls to enhance branding. Chopsticks are a great utensil to have, especially when you have snacks stocked up in your pantry. They can say goodbye to sticky fingers when snacking while working.


Unique Snacks


Looking for more ways to motivate your employees to return back to office? Adding unique, limited edition and hard to find snacks can do the job. Adding trendy or sought after snacks that your employees would love could be one of the many reasons they would return back to office.

Enjoy a wide range of best snacks from all around Asia, including Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, China, Korea, and Singapore, only at Tasty Snack. Looking for flavourful snacks or snacks with vibrant and charming packaging that appeals to everyone, even those who are young at heart! You don't have to look any further.




Still feeling unconvinced? Add surprise pop ups from external vendors like bubble tea, ice cream or even barista live stations to boost your employees mood. It can get a little dull once in a while in the office, adding surprise pop ups and vendors can definitely inject colours to your office.

Tasty Snack partners with caterers, food vendors and even mixologists to create a pleasant and memorable experience around the pantry. Let us help you level up your pantry game, so you can focus on your daily deadlines.




Apart from knowing what snacks are needed for your pantry, the pantry location is also an important factor to consider. Positioning your office pantry strategically so that it is accessible to everyone is crucial. The closer they are to the pantry, the more appreciated they feel.




Spruce your office pantry and dress it up according to the theme. Celebrating national and cultural holidays in office spaces can promote a more inclusive and collaborative environment for your staff. Who wouldn't want to come into an office decked during the holidays?


Customised, aesthetically pleasing with best-in-class presentation, we believe in the power of visual storytelling. Surprise and delight your employees with thematic office pantry styling by Tasty Snack. Trusted by leading companies, all of our designer pantries are expertly styled with snacks fit for the occasion.



Need help with your office pantry to accompany your employees during work? Find out more at Tasty Snack. You can choose between salty chips or sweet cookies, vegan or halal, it's up to you! Contact us at askus@tastysnack.asia and get a free consultation to spruce your office pantry.